Photo of the Week

How is everyone surviving the winter so far (if it is winter where you are)?  The temperature inversions and smog here are awful, but I'm finding that it's much more bearable to be cooped up in a house versus an apartment. We have a lot more room, so we don't get cabin fever quite as easily :)

The day I chose to go out to take photos this week was a warmer one (by warmer I mean the high was 38), but the wind was blowing so it felt much much colder.   Needless to say, I did not get any good shots this week .  So here's a picture I took a few years back of a water fountain on Temple Square.  I've always loved this shot.  It makes me feel calm.  Water usually makes me feel that way and being near the temple ALWAYS makes me feel that way.  So ya, it's a good place to be :)

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