Photos of the Week... and a belated giveaway winner!

My photos from my busy and fun 4th of July weekend.....
sand and water
Japanese Lanterns

After partying with family for the 4th, we actually made it to the mountains to go camping last weekend... the first time in about 6 years!  It was amazingly beautiful and green, but it dumped buckets of rain on us at night and our tent is not completely rain proof... so we got a little wet, but we survived! It felt good to get away and be in nature for a day :)

And I know I promised to announce a Craftsy Class Giveaway Winner last week, but I didn't get the winner picked out until today... so please accept my apologies.

So, our winner is........!

Congratulations!  You will be receiving a link to sign up for a free Craftsy Fine Art Class soon!

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