Photos of the Week

I took some time to enjoy the colors around me last week.....
there's beauty, even in the weeds :) 
Fall Leaves and Landscape Photography
Fall Leaves and Landscape Photography

There are some things I am sad to see changing and some things I have been longing to change for a very very long time.  The weather is changing, but my health is another matter.  It's a long slow process.  Some weeks are great, but last week.... not so much.  More migraines than expected, but I survived. 

Since I can't seem to control the pain, I decided to change something I could control.  I cut almost 7 inches of my hair off, which felt awesome!  I kind of feel like a new woman!  But yet, no matter how much I change externally, I realize that to get through this life well and joyfully, I need to  make changes within.  I need to accept God's plan for me, no matter how different it is from the plan I wanted for myself.  It's an incredibly hard thing to do, but it's worth working at :)

Have a happy week and enjoy life my friends!

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