Finger Painting with Oils!

 For once, it's not watercolors!  It's oils!

oil flower paintings: grow creative blog
oil flower painting: grow creative blog

My artist sister-in-law ( Emily Engh) showed me the work of an oil painter (Iris Scott)  who paints with her fingers (with gloves on of course) and we decided to try out the oil finger painting technique ourselves.  It's been for-ev-er since I've painted with oils.  These floral paintings are what came out of our experiment session!

Back in college I fell in love with oil painting because of the richness of the paints and the amazing textures you can create.  I thought I would be an oil painter forever.... haha! 

Now that I'm primarily a watercolor artist, I don't use oils very often, but I still have a thing for oils. There were my first love, after all.  

Check out these textures!

oil floral textures: grow creative blog
oil flower paintings: grow creative blog
oil flower painting: grow creative blog

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