Painted Floral Wooden Bowls

It's still rainy and cold where I live, but I'm in full Spring mode!  And Spring mode for me means lots and lots of flowers.
Painted Floral Wooden Bowls: Grow Creative Blog

I found these little wooden bowls at the thrift shop last year.  They needed some love!  So I cleaned and sanded them, and then painted them with some white acrylic wall paint.  It's good to have a fresh base to work with!

Painted Wooden Bowls: Grow Creative Blog

Next, I broke out my acrylic craft paints and painted flowers, leaves, and stems on the insides of the bowls.  I used lots of bright colors because after a long grey winter, I need color! These wooden floral bowls make me so happy!

After the paint was all dry, I gave them a spray of Matte Finish Spray. This protects my colorful floral designs for years to come!

Painted Floral Wooden Bowls: Grow Creative Blog

Painted Floral Wooden Bowls: Grow Creative Blog
Painted Floral Wooden Bowls: Grow Creative Blog

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