The Joy of Painting

Lately, I've taken time to just enjoy creating for creation's sake, to paint for the joy of painting! It's been refreshing!

watercolor flowers by Elise Engh

Over the past few years, I really tried hard to get into the art licensing market..... and it's way tougher than I originally thought! It's been fun to see my work in stores, but overall, I have found that I don't like losing control of where my art ends up and I don't like the lack of compensation for it either.  I feel like I sold out because you really don't make much at the onset.  And then there's the element of having to crank out so much art so quickly that the quality and thought and creativity get lost in the process. I lost the joy in creating so I'm taking a step back and reconnecting with my love of watercolors.  It feels amazing!

watercolor flowers by Elise Engh

watercolor flowers by Elise Engh

watercolor flowers by Elise Engh

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